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Model Preview: First Casts and New Renders!

Officer Hickley - Prod Goon with Shock Baton.

Eager future Prods and Breakers! We've got our first casts in hand, and I have to say that I am ecstatic. Sure, there is always room for improvement and this is a learning process, but it doesn't change that this project has come so far in the last year, and rapid progress has been made in just the last 4 months. Valiant Enterprises has sent over three casts (two that we'll show today) and it was such an epic moment opening that parcel; very exciting indeed.

That being said, Officer Hickley (above), was our first sculpt, and now we have him in hand and its a proud moment. Officer Hickley will be a Kickstarter and convention Exclusive character. He's a brutal tool of corporatocracy - a willing bloodthirsty goon. I'm even more excited because he is modeled after my friend and play tester - Chuck Hickey.

Trest - Gen-Mod Brute with Rocksaw.

Trest stands an epic 38mm from foot to eye. He is a genetically modified human, breed to replace machinery that is too costly to ship across intergalactic space. His breather and backpack, otherwise known as the Gen-Mod Apparatus, pumps his lungs full of narcotics to keep him working without rest while making him complacent. Chemically controlled slaves to their corporate masters, Gen-Mods that go rogue, like Trest, risk the effects of their crippling dependency.

Officer Sarie Moerta - 3D sculpt by Tim Barry.

Officer Moerta is determined to make the most of her position in the mines, and will do whatever it takes to retain it. She's a recent recruit to Black Squadron Security and has something to prove. She will enforce her Overseer's orders without question and without remorse.

Breaker Nells Turnbull - 3D sculpt by Tim Barry.

Nells Turnbull is a self-centered, back stabbing criminal who has sustained himself quite well in the FerrumSky mines through manipulation and double dealing. However, he knows that he wouldn't need to work 16+ hour days with his "skills" if he could get out of the mines and out onto the Bonelands. Having a group of saps to watch the Prods pulp as he made his break attempt is just his kind of escape plan.

Speaker Drone concept art by Geng Gendall.

Finally, this Speaker Drone equipped with Sonic Disruptor is in sculptor Tim Barry's que right now. This will be the first of a variety of drones that will exist to harry escaping Breakers.

Thanks for reading Broken Contract fans (and even just the passingly curious). Follow us on Facebook and Twitter. I will part with this preview from tomorrow's edition of Making Mine Scenery.


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