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Sculpts - From Concept to Reality

Breaker - Adesi Haddonis, sculpted by Tim Barry

Work on Broken Contract began in October 2013. Over the last year Broken Contract has organically evolved as the background, rules, and art have all been crafted and influenced each other. But as a miniature game, the one thing that was sorely missing from the Kickstarter this September, was physical models to show how far we've come. Broken Contract is more than just an idea, and the development has been put in, but I feel the people needed something more tangible to believe in. I cancelled the Kickstarter so we could work on both a new format, and to give me more time to show the world the concrete results of all of our labor. This past week, for me, was a triumphant step forward in that regard because our very first prototypes arrived in the mail.

Prod - Officer Naria Anlika, sculpted by Tim Barry

The progression from ideas pulled from influential sources like Hunger Games, Firefly, and Cool Hand Luke to these models has required a lot of stages of development. The earliest concept sketches by Oliver Zavala and Sam Alcarez inspired the further concept art for these exact characters, composed by John "Geng" Gendall. Tim Barry produced 3D sculpts based on John's art, and those computer files were sent to VisionProto to be printed. Today, Adesi Haddonis and Officer Naria Anlika have real, physical prototypes ready for casting and its a really exciting achievement for me to hold these models in my hands, snap some pics, and share them with all of you before they are sent off to their next destination for casting.

Breaker - Adesi Haddonis

While mentioning that these two models were based on John "Geng" Gendall's art, I'd like to direct those of you who enjoy the art he has done for Broken Contract to his Facebook Page: John Gendall -  artist. Take a moment to click "Like" and check out some of his other work. I'm sure he'd appreciate it.

Prod - Officer Naria Anlika

Here are the 3D sculpts by Tim Barry:

Breaker - Adesi Haddonis

Prod - Officer Naria Anlika

Over the next few weeks we'll hopefully be seeing a few more prototypes as we build a stronger foundation for Broken Contract and our next push to bring it into the world. Thanks to everyone for their encouragement and support along this journey.


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