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Preparing for AdeptiCon

Look for this banner at AdeptiCon!

I missed my Wednesday blog post because I was sick all week. I may not have been able to muster the strength to work on scenery, but a lot of stuff has been happening behind the scenes. One of the biggest things to transpire recently is the addition of freelance artist, Filip Dudek, onto the project. If you are familiar with the post-apocalyptic RPG, Across the Dead Earth, you'll already know his work. We've been looking for someone to do atmospheric pieces for the rule book and I saw that he might be looking for work so I got in touch. He dove straight in and started producing fantastic work that really captures the feel of the setting and we couldn't be happier to have him on board. The above piece of art is the proof Sam Alcarez sent over adding his latest logo design. This will be our 3'x5' banner marking our territory at AdeptiCon. Here's a better view of the art itself:

Filip's work is stunning and he's doing a fantastic job of capturing a setting that currently is spread out over almost 80 blog posts.

That wasn't the only thing to happen this week. We also received a package from Valiant Enterprises containing master casts for four more characters (and a new master cast of Officer Hickley). We now have casts of most of the Broken Contract Starter Set characters in hand. We're also more confidently navigating the whole process, which is great.

These are models currently in metal, and there are a couple 3D prototypes waiting to go to the forge. There's also several pieces of art currently at the sculptor. Things are fully in motion.

Meanwhile, though I don't have a new Making Mine Scenery article for today, rest assured I put a little time in today working on translating the Introductory Scenario "game board". Expect to see some progress there this week.

I have less than two weeks to paint all of these!

Thanks for following along. If you've been following along and are going to be at AdeptiCon, come get a demo game and say "hello!" I know I'm looking forward to meeting you.


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