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FUNDED! Broken Contract Rulebook Kickstarter

On Thursday February 9th, the Broken Contract Rulebook Kickstarter successfully funded! I am ecstatic to have the funding to get all of the printed materials completed, and the goal is to have them all in time for AdeptiCon.

Now that we've succeeded it's time to look at what else we can push towards. Something that has frequently been requested is more models. The first Stretch Goal is for a dual kit that makes Ash Walker, a Black Squadron Officer who feels more comfortable amongst those he polices, and a basic Black Squadron Security Gunner with an Arc Carbine - a high powered taser rifle with a short range, and low rate of fire, but the ability to stop a Breaker in their tracks and quickly Restrain them. 

At the time of writing, we are only $400 away from this Stretch Goal and we have 9 days remaining. We can do this!

Our Rulebook and Play Aids Pledge Level is the best way to get up and running playing Broken Contract, and of course there are a lot of great Add On's including the two Faction Sets and Kickstarter Exclusive Set.

Finally, if you missed it a week and a half ago, Guerrilla Miniature Games did a fantastically entertaining 'Let's Play Broken Contract' video. If you're interested in the game or the setting, they mostly get the rules right, and they do a stellar job of conveying the setting. I consider it recommended viewing. 

Thanks for reading and take care!


  1. Looking forward to seeing you at Adepticon!
    I've been grounded from Kickstarter, but my wife has allowed an Adepticon allowance. I've set aside some for Breakers and Security forces. I had a blast playing the demo last year!

  2. Fantastic! I look forward to seeing you again David. :)


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