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Playtesting the Prod Gen-Mod and Dual Wielding

Nanomei Goliath from Aetherium standing in for a Prod Gen-Mod
Model courtesy of Anvil-Eight Games

Over the last two weeks I've taken time to sit down and try out some ideas for the Prod Gen-Mod. It's always exciting trying out a new character with untested stats and equipment. Our Kickstarter Backers wanted to see the Prod Gen-Mod as more intimidating than the Breaker Gen-Mod. I think I've done so and kept it within reason, though it will take more testing to know for sure.

Prod Gen-Mod
Core: Actions 4 Move: 3 Wounds: 4
Combat: Shoot: 5 Melee: 4 Strength: 4 Agility: 5
Brain: Intellect: 5 Perception: 5 Psyche: 5 Medic: 5
Social: Lead: 6 Dealing: 6
Intangible: Recovery: 6 Faith: 6

Equipment: Shock Fists, Gen-Mod Apparatus
Special Rules: Heavy Lifter, Dependent, Massive.

The idea behind giving the Prod Gen-Mod an extra Action was to ensure they could be viewed as an unstoppable threat bearing down on the enemy. Once in close combat they could rain blows on their opponents. I want them to be terrifying. Unfortunately, the first time I ran the Prod Gen-Mod they still struggled to quickly take down threats. Even though they could Stun someone with a single punch, they only inflict a single wound per Strike most of the time, and they only hit 50% of the time.

Then I decided that if this Gen-Mod could Strike twice for every Action, it could really capture my vision. I started rolling dice and they became everything that I wanted. Of course, unlocking the idea of Characters getting to throw two Fists for a single Strike would mean that I would have to spread this possibility around. Since Ari Gaylen is depicted wielding a Rock Hammer and Knife, I decided to try this option on her. What I found was that it really seemed to balance out the hard hitting power of the Two Handed weapons by allowing her more opportunities to do get some hits in.

Both of these new additions should make for some more action packed yet decisive combats. We can expect Dual Wielding to make it into the next version of the rules.

Thanks for reading.

 Want your own Nanomei Goliath? You can pick one up at Anvil-Eight Games.


  1. Aetherium is the only KS I didn't back that I now regret missing out on. Went back and forth on that one for ages. Lovely game concept.

  2. Rob, the game is now available. I played it at AdeptiCon this year and it is very cool. I wasn't sure how I'd feel about the Inception style "altering space" but when you can move a room across the board to set up Tov to throw a firebomb on your enemy, it's awesome. Haha.Pick it up when you get the chance. :)

  3. I will probably do that whenit is in European stores. Buying anything bulky from USA is impossible now due to shipping costs.


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