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Two New Sculpts: Talla Kellerman and Trest the Gen-Mod

This week we have two new 3D sculpts to show off, both of Breaker Characters. These have gone through several stages of revision and I think they are where they need to be. 

Talla Kellerman the Progen Mechanic 3D sculpt by Tim Barry

First we have Talla Kellerman, the Progen Mechanic. Talla is a highly capable technician, and is a great asset to your crew of Breakers. Remembering door codes or getting machinery up and running - if you run into a situation where you need to make an Intellect Check, she's your best bet. However, getting her to join your crew is not as easy. As a Progen, she is child of the original colonists on Hathor, and receives better quarters and wages for her work than the rest of the Tracted workers. This makes breaking a much greater risk because she has more to lose. In the game, she must be negotiated with to join your crew. However, if you get her to join, she'll also be better at negotiating with other Progens you encounter along the way.

Trest the Gen-Mod Brute, 3D sculpt by Tim Barry

Second we have Trest, the Gen-Mod Brute. Trest is a hulking behemoth of a man, towering above his crew. Born and raised into a genetic modification program, Trest was designed with gigantism and immense strength so he could wield construction equipment normally affixed to vehicles. Brutes are pumped full of steroids and other drugs to maintain peek performance during their work shift. With his size, endurance, and ability to swing a weapon that can easily render a person into paste, Trest packs a heavy punch that has to be dealt with by the Prods.Trest is a great distraction. He can endure more Wounds than a normal human, and if you need to pass a Strength Check to move a rock or lift a malfunctioning door, he is the Character you need.

Both of these Characters will be part of the upcoming Broken Contract - Deep Underground box set that we'll be Kickstarting early next year.



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