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Act: From Nothing

This group of FerrumSky miners has been plotting their escape for months, watching and waiting for their moment. Tonight is that night. Gambling, distracted security officers and a malfunctioning drone have created a golden opportunity to slip out of their barracks chamber. The only hitch is, the crew has already returned their tools for the night and are completely unarmed. Without tools or weapons this break attempt can only be made through their abilities and determination.

Breaker Goal: Get off the board with as much equipment as possible, with as many Characters as possible. Try not to let your enemies become Critical or Dead.

Black Squadron Goal: Sound the Alarm and Restrain as many Breakers as possible. Try not to let your enemies become Critical or Dead.

Points: Breakers and Black Squadron 50. The Breakers may spend no points on Equipment other than required Equipment like the Gen-Mod Apparatus. They are starting the episode with nothing.

Place the tiles in a 3x3 grid of all 4 way tunnels. The Breakers start in their Deployment Tile in the upper left of the grid. The Black Squadron Characters start in their Deployment Tile in the upper right of the grid. A storage container full of tools should be placed on any wall of the center tile (Breaker player’s choice. If there are multiple Breaker players they should each draw a card from the Initiative Deck and whoever gets the lowest card gets to place the storage container.) The Black Squadron player may place D3 Barricades across any passage outside the Breaker Deployment Tile, at the line where two tiles meet. The Black Squadron player must split their Crew into two groups. Roll a D6 with Group A (1-3) and Group B (4-6) being placed on their Deployment Tile. The Group not placed at the start of the game may come on the board from any board edge passage after someone Sounds the Alarm. The alarm should be placed on one of the far walls of the upper center tile by the Black Squadron player. The last thing to be determined will be the Exit Point. The Exit Point will be one of the passages along the bottom board edge on the grid. Roll a D6. Bottom Left (1-2), Bottom Center (3-4), Bottom Right (5-6).

The board will also have D3 Barrels (1-4) or I-Beams (5-6) littering the area. Take turns placing these starting with the Breaker player. These can be placed anywhere on the board that isn’t in a Deployment Tile.

Breaker Deployment Tile
Alarm Tile
Black Squadron Deployment Tile

Storage Container Tile

Exit Point
Exit Point
Exit Point

Special Rules

Barrels and I-Beams: Barrels and I-Beams are Oversized Equipment. Barrels are Range: 6”, Str: +1, Push (as Action) or Reach: -, Str: +1, Push (as Action).

Barricade: Barricades may be 2” or 4” long and may be placed at least 1” from any tile edge, including exit points. Barricades are 1” tall obstacles that must be Jumped or Climbed. A Jump of 1” will not clear the Barricade and the jumping Character will stop at the point where they intended to cross. Walking and Climbing are separate Actions so it will take an Action to get to the Barricade and a second Action to Climb over it.

Exit Points: If any part of the base of a model crosses the over the edge of an Exit Point they are considered to be Escaped! And are removed from the board.

FerrumSky Mine: The FerrumSky mines are littered with large rocks. At any point a Character may pick up a Rock for 1 AP, no Search Action required.

Sound Alarm (1AP): When a Character is in base contact with the Alarm token the Character can spend 1 AP to sound the alarm and cause any open hydraulic doors to emergency release and close in an instant. After the button is hit the door immediately drops with a crash. If any part of the base of a model is on the hazard stripes when the door seals the model takes a Strength 3 hit doing D6 Wounds. This does not require a Key Card but will alert the control room of the mining facility that there is a problem in this sector.

Storage Container: Storage Containers are always placed along a wall so that they do not block through-traffic. There should be a 1.5” path around the Storage Container so that it narrows the route but does not block it. Storage Containers may be climbed and stood on top of. Containers may also be entered by breaking the padlock with a Strike Action from a Character with a Strength stat of 4 or better, or a weapon that would allow the Character to succeed on a 4 or better. The padlock is considered Prone (+1 to hit) for the purposes of Striking it. It takes 1AP to enter or exit the Container. A Character may also Search a Container for 1AP. A successful Perceive check will result in potentially spotting something useful. Roll a D6 if successful: 1 Lose an Additional Action, 2-3 Nothing of Value, 4 Shovel, 5 Sledgehammer or Big Wrench, 6 Pickaxe or Rock Hammer, 7 Oversized Rock Saw or Mining Drill, 8 Choose any 1 item from the Equipment Deck.

Act Length

The Act lasts 10 turns. If at the end of any Recovery Phase all of the Breakers or Black Squadron are Restrained, Shocked, Down, Out, Critical, Dead or have left the board the Act ends and the game is over.


Tally up Victory Points. The Breakers earn 1 point for each Character they get off the board from the designated Exit Point. The Breakers earn an additional point for every piece of Equipment they get out of the Storage Container and off the Exit Point. The Breakers lose 1 point for every Character they leave Critical or Dead on the opposing side.

The Black Squadron officers or Loyalists earn 1 point for each Breaker Restrained at the end of the game, either in Restraints or Grappled. They also earn 1 point for Sounding the Alarm. They lose 1 point for every Character they leave Critical or Dead on the Breaker side.


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