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Kickstarter Funded! So What's Next?

Ari Gaylen leaping into action against the Prods!
We did it! We raised $4221 to release the first box of models and a bunch of extras. This is, of course, the first step in pursuing something much larger. The goal is to get as many people as possible playtesting the rules while we work towards a proper launch with the Broken Contract Rule Book, Broken Contract Equipment and Initiative Cards, more models, and possibly the first scenario supplement. The next 6 months are going to be busy indeed!

First though, I need to complete everything that everyone of the Backers has pledged for, so getting stuff moving is of the utmost importance. After taking a few days off to decompress from the Kickstarter campaign, I'm back, nose deep in my day planner again like I was leading up to and into the KS campaign. I have a lot of projects to orchestrate and a lot of e-mails to send.  I also want to get the regular Sunday/Wednesday hobby blog posts back on track. I have a few 'It's Time' game boards to build for Backers and a couple sets of minis to paint up, so there will be plenty of material to cover over the next few weeks.

I want to thank everyone for their support during the campaign. Stay tuned! There will be a lot of things coming down the pipe.



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