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Today Starts a Countdown

Breaker - Adesi Haddonis sculpted by Tim Barry.

Today, August 1st, begins my 31 day countdown to the Broken Contract - Deep Underground Kickstarter. This is both exciting and terrifying. I've invested so much time into getting this project off the ground. In addition to the time spent writing, re-writing, directing artists, reading and watching everything I can on building a successful Kickstarter, and just pushing numbers around, I've fully immersed myself in this project. I've managed to rally the help of friends and strangers to help realize my vision, but of course it isn't fully realized until there is money to truly make it happen.

August will be an endless collection of things to do lists in an effort to be as prepared as possible for the launch on Labor Day. My dry erase board will bear the brunt of these lists, a visual representation of accomplished tasks followed by an endless parade of more tasks. Yesterday I sent a barrage of emails to get more precise numbers on various odds and ends I would like to include or add as Stretch Goals. I talked to artists Sam and Geng, along with sculptor Tim Barry who are all working away on various art and sculpts. I secured my copy editor. So much has been done but there is always so much to do. I enter the next month with eagerness and devotion to the cause. Hopefully its enough.

Onward to freedom!

PS. Above is a brand new sculpt that appeared in my inbox today. More great work from Tim Barry. If you've really been paying attention you'll notice that this character's name changed. More on that in a couple days!


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